Our Missionaries

The Shull Family
Christopher, Carole Ann and the children are our very own missionaries out of our church. Their missionary journey to Greenland was a difficult one but the Lord opened all the doors for them to be the very first independent, fundamental, King James Bible believing, missions minded, Baptist church in the country. They are pioneer missionaries that have paved the way for all to enter. To God be the glory!

The Veasey Family
Mike, Rosy and the children are the second family out of our congregation to go to the mission field. They are in the town of Cofradia, southwest of San Pedro Sula. While in Bible College, Mike took a missions trip to Honduras and felt the call of God to be a missionary there. The congregation is growing and they are in the midst of constructing a new building.
Financially Supported Missionaries

- Shull Family - Greenland
- Veasey Family - Honduras
- Ottosen Family - Papua New Guinea
- Hamilton Family - Scotland
- Bearing Precious Seed Printing Ministry
- Collins Family - Texas/Mexico
- David Fenley - Macedonia World Missions
- Harris Family - North Dakota
- Hughes Family - Arizona
- Mays Family - Sioux Indians
- Rogers Family - Ohio Prison Ministry
- Connie Anderson - Haiti
- Bishop Family - Mexico
- Tayler Norris Family - Mozambique
- Post Family
- Seth Demarest Family- Uganda
- Eric Bohman- BIMI South Africa Director
- Erica Bohman - Kenya
- Shertzer Family- Belize
- Hart Family - Mexico
- Slaughter Family - Mexico
- Owens Family - Guyana
- Ewing Family - Indonesia
- Demarest Family - South Africa
- Pratt Family - India
- Bauer Family - Australia
- Eckels Family - Australia
- Heisey Family - Romania
- Drust Family - Albania
- War Family - Italy
- Loop Family - Portugal
- Nissley Boat Ministry - Greenland
- Davidson Family - Indonesia
- Hodges - Honduras
- Mislan Family- Philippines
- Davis Family - India
- Gilbert Family - Greenland
- Nathanial Hudson - Brazil
We have one additional family, who we also support, whose name cannot be listed.