Our Ministries

Adult Ministries
Each Sunday morning we have two thriving adult classes that meet to study the Word of God together. We have regular Men's and Ladies activity that are exciting times to enjoy godly fellowship and encourage each other.
Teen Ministry
Have teenagers who are looking for a place to fit in? You found the right place! During Sunday School weekly our teens get thought-provoking biblical lessons to help them through the teen years. Each month we have fun activities to encourage godly friendships and Christ-honoring fun. Our annual camps and conferences remind us to live for the Lord.

Children's Ministry
We love our kids! We have classes for all ages to teach our children the simple truths from God's word. Wednesday Evening kids club is one of our favorite times. Each week we focus on learning the Bible through music and games. Several times a year we have activities to show our kids that it is fun to be with God's people!